Annual Report 2008-09


This annual report is a review of what has been achieved by the NRSBU in the 2008/09 financial year and its level of performance against key performance indicators.

The year in review

A significant achievement in the 2008/09 financial year was the conclusion of the public consultation on and submission of the pipeline upgrade options to the owners for their consideration.

The construction of the treatment plant upgrade managed by MWH is programmed for completion in April 2010 followed by the commissioning of the upgraded plant by CPG over a period of four to five months.

To keep the Board and staff of the NRSBU up to date with technology and trends in the wastewater industry Rob Potts ran a workshop on sustainability in managing waste water in diverse communities highlighting alternative approaches that can be considered in providing this service at affordable levels while not restraining development in June 2009. 

The report on the “Economic analysis of the effects of applying biosolids to the Rabbit Island pine plantation” by SCION received in March 2009, partially funded by the Board, confirmed the benefits accrued from Biosolids application.  The variation allowing increased biosolid application during the period from the last prior-to-harvest application to 12 years after replanting significantly increases the capacity of the plantation to absorb biosolids. 

With the completion of the Septage Reception Facility at Beach Road in Richmond a well structured and equitable process is now in place for the disposal and screening of septage.  After initial concerns from septage contractors they appear to be confident that the system is working well.

The Annual Customer Survey undertaken in March 2009 showed general confidence in the customer service provided. The results of this survey are discussed later in this document.

A report by Cawthron on the “Estuarine Impacts of Land Disposal of Sewage Sludge on Rabbit Island: 2008 Monitoring Survey” received in January 2009 suggested that changes in habitat characteristics are attributable to factors unrelated to biosolid application and that there are no indications that biosolid application resulted in elevated sediment trace metal or arsenic concentrations.

Health and Safety continues to be a priority; this year two audits were undertaken of the facilities and all issues identified were attended to.